Kitchen Cabinet Refacing
Custom cabinet refacing gives homeowners an elegant kitchen for their dream home. Who: A pharmaceutical executive and her husband recently moved to their dream home. She was due to retire in six months and was looking forward to enjoying her new space and leisure...
Kitchen Cabinet Refacing
The owners of these traditional homes in Skillman and Belle Mead, NJ decided that when it was time to update their kitchens, they wanted to upgrade the cabinetry but keep the style traditional. New doors, a few new cabinets, and custom details transform basic cabinet...
Kitchen Cabinet Refacing
Arts and crafts can be fun, but we don’t recommend them for your kitchen cabinets. Custom refacing saved this kitchen from being ripped out. Who: A pharmaceutical executive and his family Where: Chester, NJ The Challenge: The family just moved into this new home,...
Kitchen Cabinet Refacing
A very large, custom kitchen – pickled oak, circa the 1980s – is transformed with refacing and attention to detail. Who: A semi-retired professional couple in Bernardsville, NJ The Challenge: They wanted to update their kitchen, without ripping out all...